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tuoqiu agriculture chemical


tuoqiu agriculture chemical

15% paclobutrazol wp

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specifications: 13g/bag, 15g/bag, 40g/bag, 100g/bag, 200g/bag, 500g/bag
paclobutrazol is a plant growth regulator. it has the effects of delaying plant growth, inhibiting stem elongation, shortening internodes, promoting plant tillering, increasing plant stress resistance, and improving yield; paclobutrazol also has bacteriostatic effect: it is an effective fungicide and bactericide, with considerable strong antibacterial ability. can effectively control a variety of crop diseases. it is suitable for crops (plants) such as rice, wheat, peanuts, fruit trees, tobacco, rapeseed, soybeans, flowers, lawns, etc., and the use effect is remarkable. it can be customized and processed according to customer needs.


jiangsu tuoqiu agriculture chemical co.,ltd.

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